R17 Ventures
- Figma Design
- Webflow Development
- Figma To Webflow
- CMS Filtering
- Complex CMS
- Finsweet Attributes
- Webflow Migration
- Micro-animations
- Google Ads Integration
- Tracking/Analytics Integration
- On-Page SEO

R17 Venture wanted a brand new website with a fresh, clean, and sleek look/feel. They also wanted to add more content to their website by showcasing their client results and their various services.
The team over at R17 wanted to upgrade their website to look more modern, minimalistic, and professional. We knew before starting this project that simply implementing modern UI/UX design principles will really bring the website to the modern age. With 40+ employees, another important thing for R17 was making sure that their website was easy to understand, scale, and maintain so that anyone from their team can go into their website and make updates. Lastly, their old website's content had to be migrated to their new website in Webflow, and we had the perferct process to do just that.
Speed Optimisation
R17 Ventures was initially very slow due to there being over 5 videos in the homepage alone. So we wrote up some custom JS to allow the videos to only load upon clicking which turbocharge the site's speed to 90+.
Micro-animations are key if you want to give the site some life, so we embedded micro-animations throughout the site where it made sense to allow for the user to have a more joyful experience.
Custom Analytics Tracking
The team at R17 Ventures wanted to track how many times a user clicks on their CTA's. The solution is not native to Webflow so we had to use a snippet of custom JS and integrate that with Google Analytics in order to track not only how many users clicked on the button, but also allowing the team to target this audience through their Google Ads campaigns.
Cookies Consent Pop-up
One of the major requirements for a GDPR compliant site is for their to be cookies if any user data is being collected. So we embedded a custom cookies component where the user can opt-in or out of cookies as well as opt-in or out of certain types of cookies.

We designed their site in Figma and developed it in Webflow. We also migrated all their content to their new website through our 41-step migration process that ensures minimal traffic loss and a successful launch.
We designed the website with a minimal and sleek design direction. We used their brand colours and 'straightforward' brand values on the website by giving the website simple but purposeful and effective sections that were optimised to increase conversions. To migrate their content, we used our 41-step migration process and we managed to migrate over 50 CMS items, and redirected over 96 URLs. Additionally, our team used Finsweet CMS filtering to filter their team members by their position. Lastly, we integrated all their tracking codes (Facebook,Google, and LinkedIn) and we made sure that they were all cookie compliant.

Watch us chat with the client about this project.
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